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WMKF & AMKF Affiliated National Federation for the Sports of Modern Kumite in India

Affiliated With:

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World Modern Kumite Federation | Asian Modern Kumite Federation
Commonwealth Modern Kumite Federation | South Asian Modern Kumite Federation

WMKF Recognised by International Olympic Committee

President of India

Smt. Droupadi Murmu

Hon'ble President of India

Prime Minister of India

Sh. Narendra Modi

Hon'ble Prime Minister of India

Information Profoma

Particulars in reference to the National sports code

S.No Particulars Reference in Sports Code Indication of position
1 Whether confirmation from Registrar of Societies/Registrar of Companies confirming that the body is still registered and is complying with the requirements of the Act under which it is registered has been furnished Annexure II, para. 3.1.
2 Were any amendments made to the Constitution? If yes, have they been furnished to Registrar of Societies/Registrar of Companies? Have copies thereof been furnished to the MYAS? Are they in compliance with the Sports Code? Annexure II, para. 3.2.
3 Have duly audited books of accounts been uploaded on the website? Is the NSF following the mercantile system of accounting? Annexure II, para. 3.7
4 Did the NSF intimate the MYAS well in advance about its General Body Meeting and other Meetings where elections of office bearers and other important decisions are to be taken? Were observers sent to such meetings permitted to attend the meetings without hindrance? Are the reports of the observers on record? Are the reports in order?
5 Is the NSF still registered with the International Federation concerned?
6 Whether the NSF held a General Body Meeting at least once a year, as well as an appropriate meeting for the elections?
7 Whether any legal action has been taken by the Registrar of Societies or other legal authority?
8 Whether sufficient documents have been furnished to demonstrate how government funds have been properly utilized?
9 Whether information as required by the Right to Information Act, 2005 and the Sports Code have been published on the website of the NSF?
10 If there has been any change in the EC, what is the tenure of all members of the EC? Are they in compliance with the tenure guidelines?
11 Have any of the persons in the EC been elected to any other NSF?
12 Whether the NSF has included prominent sportspersons of outstanding merit by election in its General Body and the Executive Committee?
13 Has the NSF held annual National Championships for specified age-groups at the Senior, Junior and Sub-Junior levels for the past year? Have documents in support of the same been furnished with the Application?
14 Whether the Long Term Development Plan has been drawn up (as applicable)? If already drawn up, is the Plan being complied with? Have milestones set herein for the past year been met?