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WMKF & AMKF Affiliated National Federation for the Sports of Modern Kumite in India

Affiliated With:

AKF Logo Olympic Logo Tafisa Logo Olympic Logo

World Modern Kumite Federation | Asian Modern Kumite Federation
Commonwealth Modern Kumite Federation | South Asian Modern Kumite Federation

WMKF Recognised by International Olympic Committee

President of India

Smt. Droupadi Murmu

Hon'ble President of India

Prime Minister of India

Sh. Narendra Modi

Hon'ble Prime Minister of India


1. NAME:

The name of the society shall be ‘Modern Kumite Federation of India’ (MKFI).


The jurisdiction of the society shall extend over the Union of India.


The headquarters of the society shall be at such place within India as decided by the General Council of the society from time to time.


The financial year of the society shall be from 1st April to 31st March.


  • Promotion and Development: To promote, develop, and popularize the sport of Modern Kumite throughout India.
  • Governing Authority: To serve as the official and sole governing body responsible for Modern Kumite in India.
  • Rule-Making Authority: To establish Rules, Regulations, and Bylaws to fulfill the aims and objectives of MKFI, and to amend these as necessary.
  • Affiliations: To affiliate with the World Modern Kumite Federation (WMKF), Asian Modern Kumite Federation (AKF), and the Indian Olympic Association (IOA) and adhere to their Rules, Regulations, Bylaws, and jurisdiction.
  • Support for WKF and IOA Ideals: To uphold and maintain the ideals and values promoted by the WKF and IOA.
  • Support to Modern Kumite Associations: To assist Modern Kumite associations across India and grant them affiliation as per the prescribed guidelines.
  • Championships and Competitions: To authorize and oversee National Modern Kumite Championships, Selection Trials, and other official competitions across various age groups.
  • National Representation and Training: To select athletes, coaches, and officials to represent India, arranging their training and participation in official WMKF, AMKF, championships, events, meetings, and seminars.
  • International Representation: To select and prepare athletes, coaches, and officials for participation in the INTERNATIONAL.
  • International Participation: To arrange for Indian athletes’ participation in other international kumite competitions.
  • International Liaison: To maintain international relations and liaison with federations and organizations for the advancement of Modern Kumite.
  • International Competitions in India: To organize international kumite competitions in India, as authorized by the WMKF and AKF.
  • Events for Promotion: To arrange conferences, exhibitions, meetings, and lectures for the promotion of Modern Kumite.
  • Coaching and Officiating Development: To facilitate the advancement of coaching education and technical officiating standards within India.
  • Financial Management: To raise finances required for achieving the objectives of MKFI.
  • Fundraising and Contributions: To receive and manage subscriptions, donations, gifts, trophies, grants, and other financial or material contributions to fulfill the objectives.
  • Property Acquisition and Disposal: To acquire, manage, and dispose of property, both movable and immovable, as necessary, while ensuring no individual member holds claims on these assets.
  • Use of Income: To apply all income and assets solely for the fulfillment of MKFI’s objectives, with no distribution as profit, dividends, or bonuses.
  • Publication and Communication: To publish literature, books, periodicals, leaflets, and produce audio/visual content or use other communication channels to support the objectives.
  • Disciplinary Action: To take disciplinary measures against members or associates for misbehavior or actions discrediting the sport or being prejudicial to MKFI’s interests.
  • Upholding Olympism: To uphold Olympism values and amateur sports ideals within Modern Kumite.
  • General Promotion: To undertake any necessary or auxiliary actions that advance the objectives of MKFI and further its general purpose.


The Modern Kumite Federation of India hereinafter referred to as the “Society”/ “MKFI” shall be governed by its Memorandum of Association and these Rules and Regulations.


‘Academy’/ ‘Club’:

Shall mean a center licensed by the MKFI to provide training in Modern Kumite. The licensing of Academies/Clubs shall be governed by the MKFI Bylaws for Licensing of Academies/Clubs, as amended from time to time.

‘Associate Unit’/ ‘Unit’:

Shall mean a Board/Institution granted membership and affiliation as per the provisions of these Rules and Regulations. An Associate Unit has no rights to participate in the General Council, will have no voting rights, and will not be eligible to contest in the MKFI elections.

‘Athlete’/ ‘Kumiteka’:

Shall mean a sportsperson registered with the MKFI, who practices Modern Kumite and participates in official competitions of the MKFI or its Permanent Members/Units. The registration of kumitekas shall be governed by the MKFI Bylaws for Registration, as amended from time to time.


Shall mean bylaws and directions made in accordance with these Rules and Regulations.

‘Committees’ and ‘Commissions’:

Shall mean different Committees and Commissions established as per these Rules and Regulations.

Grant of Membership

All applications for membership by State/Union Territory Associations or Boards/Institutions must be in writing containing information required by the Executive Committee from time to time. The Executive Committee or a sub-committee appointed by the Executive Committee shall be responsible for receiving applications from the applicants and scrutinizing them.

The Executive Committee shall recommend the applicant, if it is found bona fide, to the forthcoming General Council meeting for membership. Upon approval by the General Council, the State/Union Territory Association or Board/Institution attains membership and affiliation.

If an applicant meets the essential criteria but is not compliant with all conditions for membership and affiliation, the Executive Committee may recommend the applicant for provisional approval of membership, subject to the applicant meeting all conditions within a specified timeframe. If provisional approval of membership is granted to a State/Union Territory Association, they will have the right to participate in the General Council Meeting but will not vote or contest in the elections.

In the event of the application being fully accepted, the affiliated Permanent Member/Unit shall be bound by and subject to the Constitution of the MKFI then in force and as amended from time to time. In case of any dispute, the Constitution of the Modern Kumite Federation of India will prevail and supersede over the Constitution of the Permanent Member/Unit, and the Permanent Member/Unit will have to amend its Constitution in line with the Constitution of the Modern Kumite Federation of India within a specified timeframe to retain its membership.

While granting membership to a State/Union Territory Association, the MKFI shall take into consideration the representative character of the State/Union Territory Association to ensure that only a true representative body of Modern Kumite is granted membership, and only one State/Union Territory Association from each State/Union Territory is granted affiliation to MKFI.

Upon the acceptance of membership of not less than ten (10) members under the Rules and Regulations of MKFI, the signatories of the Memorandum of Association of the society shall cease to be members.

Membership and Renewal Fee

Every applicant Permanent Member/Unit seeking membership of the MKFI shall pay an admission fee and an annual renewal fee as decided by the Executive Committee from time to time.

The renewal fee shall be valid only for the particular financial year and should be paid before 31st March of every year.

Defaulters and Disaffiliation

Any Permanent Member/Unit will be considered a defaulter and shall be liable for disaffiliation in case it is:

Interim Ad-Hoc Committee

Upon disaffiliation, the MKFI is authorized to appoint an Ad-Hoc Committee as an interim measure for overseeing the administration of Modern Kumite in the State/Union Territory and re-establishing governance within a specified timeframe.


Any Permanent Member/Unit disaffiliated may apply for re-affiliation to the Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee shall have the sole right to take appropriate action and inform the General Council. The action may include a fine to be paid by the State/Union Territory Association or Board/Institution, as the Executive Committee deems appropriate.

General Council

The General Council shall consist of representatives of eligible Permanent Members and one representative from the Athletes Committee. Each State or Union Territory Association duly affiliated as a Permanent Member, as provided in these Rules and Regulations, shall be represented by two officials. The authority given by the President of the Association concerned shall prevail in case of any dispute. State or Union Territory Associations shall not depute an individual as an official representative unless he/she is a regular participant in that Association’s activities. No bona fide representative shall be entitled to represent more than one Permanent Member. If any prominent individual, other than the eligible representatives, whose services are deemed beneficial to Modern Kumite is invited to attend the General Council, they shall participate but shall not have the right to vote or contest in the elections.


The management of the administration of the Modern Kumite Federation of India (MKFI) and the enforcement of its Rules and Regulations and Byelaws shall be vested in the Executive Committee, subject to the resolutions passed by the General Council from time to time.

Executive Committee Composition:

The President, General Secretary, and Treasurer shall not be eligible to hold similar posts simultaneously in any other National Sports Federation, except in the case of the National Olympic Committee or any other multi-sport organization.

Representation of Women:

The MKFI shall encourage the representation of women in the governance of the sport. To ensure such representation, a minimum of 20% of positions in the Executive Committee shall be reserved for women, including at least one woman Vice President, one woman Joint Secretary, and three women Executive Committee members.

Inclusion of Sportspersons in the Executive Committee:

The MKFI shall promote the participation of sportspersons in its governance, ensuring that a minimum of 25% of the Executive Committee members are eminent sportspersons.


Elections shall be held once every four years at the Annual General Council Meeting to elect the Executive Committee, including office-bearers from amongst the representatives of the Permanent Members. Elections may also be held before the due date in a Special General Council Meeting convened for that purpose. The election procedures shall be governed by the MKFI Byelaws for Election, as amended from time to time.

Term and Tenure:


The office of an official of the Executive Committee (including that of an office-bearer) shall fall vacant or be removed from office under the following conditions:

In case of the vacancy of an office-bearer, the Executive Committee shall have the power to fill the vacancy by co-option from among the representatives of the Executive Committee. If co-option is not possible, a Special General Council meeting may be convened to conduct an election solely to fill that vacancy.


General Council:

Executive Committee:

The President

  • Shall be the Constitutional and Executive head of the MKFI for executing/implementing the Rules and Regulations, Byelaws, Policies, and Rules/Procedures to achieve its aims and objectives.
  • Shall exercise superintendence and oversee the functioning of the General Council and the Executive Committee, guiding the MKFI in all activities.
  • Shall preside over all meetings of the Executive Committee, General Council, and other meetings of the MKFI as required.
  • Shall have the power to nominate any member of the Executive Committee to preside over meetings in his/her absence.
  • Shall have a decisive vote in the case of a tie, in addition to the mandatory vote.
  • Shall be authorized to determine the dates, venue, and time of meetings of the Executive Committee, General Council, and any other meetings deemed fit to fulfill the aims and objectives of the MKFI.
  • Shall be authorized to sanction expenditure up to any limit for items not included in the budget, which shall be ratified by the Executive Committee.
  • Shall ensure the financial position of the MKFI is sound and that no unauthorized expenses occur.
  • In case of emergency, the President will have full power to issue orders, which may subsequently be confirmed by the Executive Committee or General Council, as applicable.

The Vice-President(s)

  • In the absence of the President, one of the Vice-Presidents nominated by the President shall perform the assigned duties.

The Secretary-General

  • Subject to the general control of the President, the General Council, and the Executive Committee, the Secretary-General shall be responsible for executing the decisions of the General Council, Executive Committee, and various Committees/Commissions, as well as enforcing the Rules and Regulations, Byelaws, Policies, and Procedures of the MKFI.
  • Shall convene all meetings of the General Council and Executive Committee, maintaining accurate minutes of all proceedings and resolutions in a dedicated book/file. Such minutes shall be signed by the Chair of the meeting and, when signed, shall serve as conclusive evidence of their correctness.
  • Shall manage all official work and day-to-day affairs of the MKFI.
  • Shall handle all correspondence in the name of the MKFI or as directed by the President, taking necessary disciplinary steps against any misinformation or wrongful correspondence.
  • Shall maintain all records and documents, including registers of members, players, officials, etc., essential for the smooth and efficient operation of the MKFI.
  • Shall have custody of and maintain all documents, trophies, souvenirs, seals, equipment, uniforms, and insignia of the MKFI, along with records of all movable and immovable properties, conducting an annual stock-taking of such properties.
  • Shall exercise general supervision over all staff and specialists/experts employed by the MKFI.
  • Shall collect or ensure the collection of all subscriptions, fees, and other dues payable to the MKFI with due diligence.
  • Shall ensure that the accounts of the MKFI are properly maintained by the Treasurer and regularly audited.
  • Shall be entitled to incur legitimate expenditure on behalf of the MKFI not exceeding INR 50,000 (Rupees Fifty Thousand only), which shall be confirmed by the Executive Committee at its next meeting. Any expenditure exceeding this amount shall require prior approval from the President or the Executive Committee.
  • Shall oversee the functioning and progress of various Committees and Commissions.
  • Shall be empowered to call for any papers and information from Permanent Members/Units, athletes, coaches, officials, licensed academies/clubs, or anyone associated with the sport, as necessary for the resolution of any matter, and to perform other duties as authorized in the Constitution.
  • Shall prepare the Annual Report on the workings of the MKFI each year and present it to the General Council after obtaining approval from the Executive Committee.
  • Shall perform such duties as may be specifically assigned by the President, General Council, or Executive Committee.

The Joint Secretary(s)

  • In the absence of the Secretary-General, one of the Joint Secretaries nominated by the Secretary-General shall perform the assigned duties.

The Treasurer

  • Shall be responsible for all funds, finances, and accounts of the MKFI.
  • Shall maintain proper books and accounts of all sums of money received and expended by the MKFI, along with its assets and liabilities. He/She shall also maintain an inventory of the property and stock (including equipment and uniforms) of the MKFI and submit it along with the accounts.
  • Shall receive all moneys due to the MKFI and maintain proper accounts, issuing appropriate receipts.
  • Shall deposit all received moneys with the MKFI in approved banks without delay.
  • Shall make all payments of the MKFI after verifying and approving the connected bills and vouchers with the Secretary-General.
  • Shall prepare and present the budget to the General Council and Executive Committee.
  • Shall assist the auditor(s) in auditing the accounts and explain any items and entries as required.
  • Shall prepare and present the audited Statement of Accounts of income and expenditure of the MKFI in the meetings of the Executive Committee and General Council for approval.
  • May be allowed to maintain an imprest cash not exceeding INR 20,000 (Rupees Twenty Thousand Only) for urgent expenses. No other expenditures shall be made without the sanction of the President or Secretary-General.
  • Shall perform such duties as may be specifically assigned by the General Council or the Executive Committee.

Affiliated Permanent Members/Units

  • All Permanent Members/Units shall abide by the Rules and Regulations, Byelaws, Policies, and Procedures of the MKFI.
  • Permanent Members/Units shall be responsible for conducting State/Union Territory Championships or Selection Trials and sending teams to the National Championships.
  • Permanent Members/Units shall be accountable for the conduct of their representatives at the National Championships.
  • Disciplinary actions taken against affiliates, athletes, officials, or coaches within their jurisdiction must be reported to the Secretary-General of the MKFI within ten days of the action.
  • Any penalty imposed by the MKFI or any of its Permanent Members/Units for violations of its Rules and Regulations, Byelaws, Policies, and Procedures shall be honored by other affiliated Permanent Members/Units.
  • Any Permanent Member/Unit or its affiliates intending to host a Regional, National, or International event or Championship must seek prior written permission from the MKFI.
  • Office-bearers of a State/Union Territory Association shall not serve concurrently as office-bearers in other sports organizations within the State/Union Territory, except for the State/Union Territory Olympic Association or other multi-sport organizations.
  • Notice of any motion to be brought before the Annual General Council Meeting of the MKFI by a Permanent Member shall be sent in writing to the Secretary-General at least 14 days before the meeting date. Such motions shall be included in the agenda of the meeting with any recommendations.
  • All State/Union Territory Associations shall include a provision in their constitution allowing their members to attend meetings and participate in decision-making regarding MKFI matters.
  • In case of unresolved disputes within an affiliated Permanent Member/Unit affecting normal operations or athlete preparation, the Executive Committee may constitute an Ad-Hoc Committee as necessary until the dispute is resolved.
  • To prevent disputes within State/Union Territory Associations, the presence of an Observer from the MKFI will be mandatory during election meetings. Notice of elections must be provided at least 15 days in advance, along with the list of voters and other relevant information. Proceedings of election meetings without the Observer's presence will not be accepted.
  • Permanent Members/Units shall submit a digital copy of their Constitution, Rules, Byelaws, and Policies to the MKFI and upload them on the MKFI web platform. Any changes to these documents must be updated on the platform within 15 days of adoption.
  • Permanent Members/Units shall submit a digital copy of their Annual Report and audited Statement of Accounts to the MKFI and upload them on the MKFI web platform every year.
  • Annual General Council Meeting

    The Annual Meeting of the General Council/Annual General Council Meeting shall be held annually at a date, time, and location determined by the President and Secretary-General. Minutes, Annual Report, Statement of Accounts, and all relevant documents on the subjects mentioned in the Agenda shall be circulated to all eligible attendees prior to the meeting. The Agenda of the Annual General Council Meeting shall include:

    • Confirmation of the minutes of the previous Annual General Council Meeting and any Special General Council Meetings held.
    • Consideration and adoption of the Secretary-General’s Annual Report on the workings of the MKFI.
    • Review and approval of the Audited Statement of Accounts for the year and the budget for the upcoming year as submitted by the Treasurer.
    • Appointment of Auditors and determination of their remuneration.
    • Election of the Executive Committee (if due).
    • Review of the Annual Calendar of competitions and events.
    • Approval of decisions made by the Executive Committee.
    • Amendments to the Constitution, Byelaws, Policies, and Procedures (if any).
    • Ratification of any memberships granted, suspended, or terminated by the Executive Committee, if applicable.
    • Establishing and fixing fees for various matters as necessary.
    • Discussion of any matters for which proper notice has been provided or other issues with the Chair’s permission.
    • Consideration of any matters affecting the welfare of the MKFI that the President and Secretary-General may present, including discussions on development activities, program analyses, and assessments on the implementation of the Byelaws, Policies, and Procedures of the MKFI.

    Special General Council Meeting

    Special General Council Meetings may be convened at any time by the Secretary-General with the President's permission. These meetings can address all items of the Annual General Council Meeting except for the election of the Executive Committee and appointment of auditors. The Agenda must be included in the meeting notice, and discussions will be limited to the subjects outlined in the notice.

    Requisition Meeting

    If more than one-third of the affiliated Permanent Members request a meeting, the Secretary-General may convene it. If the Secretary-General does not call the meeting within thirty (30) days of receiving the requisition letters, the requisitionists may organize the meeting, providing a clear thirty (30) days’ notice. Decisions made at a requisition meeting require approval by two-thirds of the voting members.

    Executive Committee Meetings

    Executive Committee Meetings shall be held at least twice a year. The President or Secretary-General, with the President's approval, may call additional meetings on short notice, designated as Emergency Executive Committee Meetings.

    Notice and Quorum for Meetings

    The notice period and quorum requirements for convening meetings shall be as specified in the Constitution of the MKFI.

    S. No. Meeting Notice Period (Minimum) Quorum
    a Annual General Council Meeting (AGM) 16 clear days One third of the eligible people entitled to vote
    b Special General Council Meeting (SGM) 10 clear days One third of the eligible people entitled to vote
    c Executive Committee Meeting (ECM) 5 clear days 7 People
    d Emergency Executive Committee Meeting 3 clear days 5 People
    e Committee Meetings 2 clear days 3 People

    Notices of meetings may be sent via email, as deemed appropriate by the Secretary-General.

    For Emergency Executive Committee Meetings, notification may also be provided through email or WhatsApp by the Secretary-General.

    For adjourned meetings held on the same day or at a later date, no separate notification is required, and a quorum is not necessary.

    Virtual Meetings and Online Approvals

    The Annual General Council Meeting (AGM), Special General Council Meeting (SGM), and other significant meetings can be conducted via video conferencing when in-person attendance is impractical.

    In urgent cases where an Executive Committee meeting cannot be convened, the Secretary-General, with the President's approval, may obtain the Executive Committee members' approval via circulation and proceed accordingly, provided that the majority supports the circulated proposal. Such cases must be reported at the next Executive Committee and General Council meetings for formal ratification.


    Permanent Member State/Union Territory Associations shall have two votes in the General Council Meeting.

    The Chairperson or a representative elected from the Athletes Committee shall be a voting member of the General Council.


    Sources of Income
    Affiliation Fee
    Registration Fee
    License/Royalty Fee
    Competition Fee
    Aid/Grants from Government, Public Institutions, or Departments
    Aid/Grants from National and International Organizations
    Franchise Fee
    Loans from Banks or other approved sources
    Interest from Banks or other properties

    Commercial Rights and Intellectual Property

    MKFI is the absolute legal and beneficial owner of all commercial rights, including titles and logos (institutional and commercial) related to MKFI, its competitions and events, and other commercial assets/rights related to its operations, including but not limited to:

    MKFI reserves the right to assign these rights or grant licenses for any of the aforementioned commercial assets/rights to eligible third parties, subject to the approval of the General Council.

    MKFI holds all intellectual property rights, including titles and logos, data and information related to its competitions and events, media, and digital content, as well as other properties and rights related to the governance of martial arts in India. No individual or entity may exploit these rights and properties without prior permission from MKFI.

    Bank Account

    MKFI shall maintain bank account(s) in nationalized or scheduled banks, or other banks as approved by the Executive Committee. The bank account(s) shall be operated jointly or severally by the President, Secretary-General, and Treasurer, as determined by the Executive Committee.


    The accounts of MKFI shall be audited at least once a year by an Auditor (licensed Chartered Accountant) appointed by the General Council.

    Committees and Commissions

    MKFI shall appoint the following Committees and Commissions to enhance its administration and functioning:


    Every elected official of the Executive Committee, employees, coaches, staff, or any other individuals involved in the operations of MKFI shall, before commencing their duties, pledge to maintain secrecy regarding sensitive matters of MKFI. They must not disclose any information that comes to their knowledge in the course of their duties unless required to do so by the President, Secretary-General, or Executive Committee.

    Amendment of Memorandum and Rules and Regulations

    Whenever the Executive Committee deems it advisable to alter, extend, abridge, or amend the Rules and Regulations, it may submit the proposal in writing to all Members and convene a Special General Council Meeting for consideration in accordance with these Rules and Regulations. All such proposals shall take effect only when passed by a two-thirds majority of representatives present and voting.

    If changes in the FIE Statutes necessitate amendments to the MKFI Constitution, MKFI shall comply as long as such changes are not inconsistent with Indian laws.

    Force of the Byelaws, Policies, and Rules/Procedures

    The Byelaws, Policies, and Rules/Procedures made under the rules of the society as provided in the Constitution shall have the same force as the Constitution itself.

    World Anti-Doping Code and National Anti-Doping Code

    MKFI undertakes to comply with the World Anti-Doping Code, National Anti-Doping Code, and the anti-doping regulations of the Organizing Committees of the Olympic Games and Asian Games, which are based on the World Anti-Doping Code.

    Legal Proceedings

    MKFI shall sue or be sued in the name of the Secretary-General. Any lawsuit may only be filed in a court of law in New Delhi, where MKFI's headquarters is located.

    Societies Act

    The provisions of the Societies Registration Act, 1860 shall apply mutatis mutandis to MKFI and its members.

    Compliance with Societies Registration

    Once every year, the list of office-bearers and officials of the Executive Committee shall be submitted to the Registrar of Societies, New Delhi, as required under Section 4 of the Societies Registration Act, 1860, applicable to the NCT of New Delhi.

    Compliance with RTI

    MKFI shall appoint a Public Information Officer (PIO) to ensure compliance with RTI applications.


    In all matters related to the interpretation and application of the Constitution, as well as in issues not specifically addressed herein, the decisions of the Executive Committee/General Council shall be final and binding on all concerned.

    Violation of existing rules cannot be excused on the grounds of ignorance.


    The society may be dissolved at a Special General Council Meeting called specifically for that purpose, or upon requisition by three-fifths of the General Council members. The dissolution shall be valid only upon approval of the General Council as per the provisions in the Societies Registration Act, 1860.